Making the most of… triangles!

Happy wednesday! I am definitely enjoying these lighter evenings- combined with the machine last week it has had a definite effect on my productivity levels.

Curve Sail boat Mini QuiltThis little beauty (sneaky peek) was finished late last night- dedication for you staying up way past my bedtime til gone midnight to finish the binding. It’s not completely me… but I’ll go into that and show it off in it’s entirety once my partner has received it 🙂

In the meantime though….. a new nephew Zachary arrived in the wee hours of sunday morning. Prompting this….

Triangles Boy Pram Quilt (2)I had promised a pram quilt so frantic pulling of various fabrics then a little while later I had this…

Triangles Boy Pram Quilt (1)Close up….

Triangles Boy Pram Quilt (3)Now the next question is can I get this finished in time to gift on Friday and I have this pesky thing called “work” in the way too! Hey ho so tonight I’m piecing those triangles and rows together ready to baste and quilt on the morrow!

Linking up with Lee over at…
