Making the most of… triangles!

Happy wednesday! I am definitely enjoying these lighter evenings- combined with the machine last week it has had a definite effect on my productivity levels.

Curve Sail boat Mini QuiltThis little beauty (sneaky peek) was finished late last night- dedication for you staying up way past my bedtime til gone midnight to finish the binding. It’s not completely me… but I’ll go into that and show it off in it’s entirety once my partner has received it 🙂

In the meantime though….. a new nephew Zachary arrived in the wee hours of sunday morning. Prompting this….

Triangles Boy Pram Quilt (2)I had promised a pram quilt so frantic pulling of various fabrics then a little while later I had this…

Triangles Boy Pram Quilt (1)Close up….

Triangles Boy Pram Quilt (3)Now the next question is can I get this finished in time to gift on Friday and I have this pesky thing called “work” in the way too! Hey ho so tonight I’m piecing those triangles and rows together ready to baste and quilt on the morrow!

Linking up with Lee over at…


Where has three years gone?

So.. three years ago yesterday this happened……..


Prepping for that day is what got me heavily into crafts and sewing. To celebrate we had a quiet day to ourselves and as the weather behaved for once went down to one of my favourite Cornish spots for a walk- Godrevy. Armed with binoculars and camera we saw some lovely Sparrowhawks on the hunt, sparrows, robins and my personal favourite SEALS and there were a few pups too on the cove.


Sadly it was rather windy on the cliff so my photos didn’t turn out spectactular.. to give you an idea of how high we were up this is on 23x zoom towards the back of the beach/cove. If anyone would like to learn more about seals or Cornish grey seals this website is the best place 🙂 There is also the Seal Sanctuary at Gweek.


To round it off we had fish and chips and even cheesecake… well technically I had cheesecake Matthew got a chocolatey thing.

Then back home where I even managed some sewing (epp of course) watching tv and chatting. Good job too as I have these minis to finish…

P1110355A Jane Austen inspired one… going for P and P and I might be slightly crazy as going to attempt to embroider that large quote!

P1110356A riot of colour this one is- it’s from the Little Quilts book “Fans of May”.

P1110353The day after I submitted my quilt for the Westcountry Quilt Show I started prepping this……. it’s for the IG Mini Swap and my partner doesn’t give much away! Modern, hexies and a lot of teal/blue. In the corner is some prep work for some ornaments….. it might be the only christmas decs I’ll get round to doing!

What is everyone up to this week? I’m heading up to Bristol for the quilt show and Fiona Pullen’s book launch party in Exeter tomorrow. Sunday I’m hoping to head up to Cowslip Workshops for their fayre then it’s back to work on Monday.

Linking up with Lee over at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday.


Just a couple of new(ish) projects….

I know I know… there’s still a few quilts to finish off but I could not resist starting these….

A mini English Paper Pieced wallhanging.. slowly handquilting this one 🙂


A christmas project for me! A wallhanging eventually.. I’m embroidery the girl then hoping to team with hexagons and machine pieced patchwork. The pattern is by Lilipopo. Isn’t she adorable?

What is everyone else up to this week? Linking up with WIP Wednesday.



WIP Wednesday…. busy busy busy

Eek wednesday already?? I’m losing track but here’s a peek of what I’m currently working on…….


The Harper Quilt… for my almost six month old niece and the way it is going seriously tempted to keep it for myself! The hourglasses not sure now whether will suit it… plan was for it to be in the center of the filler blocks.


Irish Chain for Farryn… the aqua background I’m still trying to love… think I’m mostly a white/snow kinda girl!


Ollie’s Playmat- my nephew is just over a week and half old already! And ever so cute 🙂 Sea themed playmat for him with his name pieced on the back.

What is everyone working on? Linking up with…..


It may not seem like it…

… but I have been sewing!

Can’t quite believe that it is Thursday already- where has this week gone? I spent the day yesterday down Penzance way checking out Rosudgeon Car Boot and venturing into town. I do look like a patchwork tomato now though! Not often I actually properly go out like that and the factor in my moisturiser obviously not enough.

Anywhere this is where I am at this week. Three tops I want no need to finish piecing.


The Irish Chain! It was my intention to finish this by last week but work got in the way.. Getting there though almost finished piecing the square blocks just the fillers to go.


I’m not going to mention which project this is yet but it is a practice attempt in practice fabrics 🙂 But yay Y seams hopefully later this morning the finished block be done!


Last night I spent an extraordinary amount of time cutting out enough to do five more hedgies for Hazel the Hedgehog Quilt so fingers crossed this morning more will be done.

Lots to be getting on with as always- what are you working on?

Linking up with WIP Wednesday over at Freshly Pieced.
