Stitching Secret Santa

A couple months ago Sheila (Sewchet) had this amazing idea to hold a secret santa with a max limit of £10 but we can throw in whatever goodies we like to go with it!

Mine went off to Nikki and as she was getting into dressmaking and loved freestyle embroidery I included the Colette Ginger skirt pattern, some gorgeous woolfelt I obtained from Sew and Quilt, along with a notebook and a ruffly scarf I’ve knitted (one of my very few knitted accomplishments probably because it is so easy! To see the goodies check out Nikki’s post here. I felt really bad about not including something sewn but with everything happening I kept putting it off and if I waited it would have got there after christmas! However I think something might be making it’s way pretty soon….

My parcel was unfortunately delayed in the post but opening it was a really good new year present and well worth the wait! Thanks so much Lucie!! To see Lucie’s post about what she put together and why it’s all here 🙂


A lovely owl cushion, a liberty needlebook, hanging hearts, gorgeous crochet goodies and isn’t that frog amazing?

P1130323Crochet is on my list to practice and get better at (along with knitting!) so am in awe of this little set, a pin cushion and measuring tape.

The closeup of mr frog is really blurry so you have to make do with the above! I didn’t realise there was pins in the pin cushion so when I picked it up jabbed myself something proper.

Really pleased with how this swap went and will be looking out for more Sheila does.


Sunday (Monday) Stash…

So it’s a little late for this post but hey ho. Got an amazing addition to show you this week!

Technically it’s not “stash” but something to use it up! Isn’t she gorgeous?

Brother Innovis 350 SE (2)A Brother Innovis 350 SE and look a computerised screen..

Brother Innovis 350 SE (1)I’m not ashamed to admit it took me bout half an hour to work out how to wind the bobbin, load bobbin and top thread (with aid of manual). One day I might actually preset a setting to remember where the needle goes for that pesky quarter inch.

She has loads of features including a knee lift (untried yet) but as I have a backlog of sewing to catch up on due to previous machine tantrums… it might be my week off next month til I get a proper play at all it can do.

DZ Oh Betty FabricNot to worry I did stash some amazing fabrics too (Darlene Zimmerman Oh Betty in the top and in the bottom a range of Denyse Schmidt, Flurry and a host of other designers) but now I neeeeeeeeeed to behave and use up some of what I have! One sneaky order this week and that’s it… as I want to get a craft lamp and a table so I can use my cutting mat upstairs near the machine…

Now to go enjoy some more of this sunshine 🙂 Hope everyone has a lovely week! Linking up with Molli Sparkles.

Molli Sparkles

Goals Q2 Finish-A-Long

Well Q1 was dismal and even forgot to link up my one measly finish… here’s hoping to a better Q2! Especially since my new toy should be arriving end of next week 🙂

Some are these are carried on from the last quarter and this list is by no means definitive of what I have to do but I need a big kick to keep on track…

1. My mini for the Ukminiswap- due in a couple of weeks… I’ve been feeling a little intimidated by my partner so it’s taking me ages to decide what to do! Mixing up some daysail with curves….

Pentagon EPP Boy Ball2. A Pentagon ball made via english paper piecing for my nephew Louis.

P11109003-7. I STILL have quilts for the little ones to do. The above is the backing for the youngest. The other quilts can be seen here and I have Hazel the Hedgehog all cut out too as a bonus one. Also adding in a pram quilt made out of triangles and boyish fabrics which must be finished soon… yes really!

Milk, Flower and Sugar Hexagons EPP

8. An on the go project for a hexie baby quilt- recipient indetermined.But given that I have a lot of deadlines coming up for both the day job and sewing this is my way to relax. And it’s such pretty fabric! I just can’t decide on the next border for the hexie flowers…Oh Deer Circles

9. These started out as tester blocks for when I was doing a curved project last month (more on that soon). I couldn’t stop however… just need to do some more blocksP1110898

10. Can you spot a theme already? With gritted teeth this is going to be a butterfly block (those who know me don’t fall off in shock as I really do not like these things…) but once you get an idea go with it right?? Destined to be a little one’s quilt.P1110899  11-12. Gifts in the making.. all cut and interfaced just needs sewing up complete with zips. I’m betting a couple of people can guess who these are for…  especially since one has been hanging around since last year….

12. This is happening… my seal quilt in applique. I want to enter this in FOQ but it be great if it could be done at least a month in advance of the deadline…

Also on the list are………. minis for the Fairytaleswap, Sherlock Swap but I have no idea at present so won’t count those! Besides think I have enough to be getting on with right??

What is everyone else working on? Linking up with Adrianne.


First Finish of 2015

Technically… even though I’ve sewn this is the first actual finish and it’s something knocked off my FAL Q1 list too!

It’s my mini for the current round of the Schnitzel and Boo Mini Swap. I changed my mind so many times as I was a little out of my comfort zone with my partner Craftyhannah.

In the end I settle of a New York Beauty Circle of Flying Geese pattern… lot of paper piecing… mutterings and curves later it was pieced. Then it was the quilting… I dithered for about a week and half and in the end put on my fmq foot and big girl pants…. voila an organic waves pattern. It’s far from perfect but I love it 🙂 And…. the back is amazingly fine!

Mini Swap Betteroffthread New York Beauty of Flying Geese (2)

There were a few I had my eye on in the IG Pool and what came was one of those! A gorgeous hexie out of B&C fabrics and some lovely goodies too including a portable EPP kit by the lovely Gretchen. Guess what will be coming to work with me tomorrow 🙂

Mini Swap Hexie Bonnie and Camille

My next swap is due in April for the UKmini hosted by BossyOz and I must say I’m intimidated again by my partner…. dithering over what to do……….

Then May it’s the Outlander swap I’m co-hosting with Kylie (still open details here). I’m resisting other swaps that are popping up as I have some secret sewing to finish…

Sometimes I wonder how does everyone manage to fit it all in?


A Day Out…

Yesterday was fun but exhausting! I think I left just before 545am and did not get back home until gone 11pm. The day seemed to go by so fast and still does not seem like 400 odd miles of driving!

Anyhow… look at this cute pouch Helen made and gave me yesterday- isn’t it adorable?

P1110391We managed to get to the Quilt Show in Bristol before it opened and had a walk around of the stalls before our classes. Helen did the Kantha class which looking at her work am jealous I didn’t but then that would have meant an extra day for me!

P1110385My first class was free motion quilting with the lovely Sarah of Edward and the Bear. I’ve done a tiny bit at home before but was never happy with my results it was nice to have the set time to play and see different techniques. I can definitely see these flowers and loops in a quilt sometime close in the future!

P1110389After seeing Alicia Merrett’s exhibition at the Festival of Quilts I jumped at the chance to take the map quilt class. It was a little bit different for me.. freehand cutting! So I am debating redoing my houses/settlements into something else… but once I’ve tackled a few things off my to do list… it be back to this. That purple strip in the middle is a road… not the real road yet.

P1110382I was pretty restrained with my purchases at the show literally just this… The panel piece is lots of smaller panels with woodland animals in a learn to count theme that I couldn’t resist.

P1110376And… I found my quilt! Can you tell I’m too short to take a proper photo?! There were some lovely quilts on show some have given me ideas…

Next up we headed back down to Exeter for the launch party of Fiona Pullen’s debut book Craft a Creative Business. After being stuck in traffic and downpours of rain we made it in time and found the Exeter Sewing Shop. It was a great evening loads turned out for the party and it was well deserved 🙂

P1110383I was very lucky in receiving a goody bag my favourite the polka dot embroidery scissors and Priory Square sample bits. Very good here too only got Fi’s book and a 3FQ bundle of Downton Abbey fabrics.

Phew… I might just go back to sleep now! Did anyone else make it?

I’m heading up to Cowslip tomorrow and back to work on Monday. But already looking forward to my next trip up to Exeter at the end of the month for the next South West Stitchers event. I best make a move on and sort out the secret santa gift.




Sunday Stash…

This weekend is going by in a blur.. I kinda wish it was Friday already for the next one! Lots of visiting family and sadly brought work home to do which is giving me a headache.

Ah well…. but look what arrived yesterday!


Isn’t it gorgeous- the lovely Rebecca at One Wee Bird helped me get these 🙂 I love DS and can’t wait until payday to nab some of the Hadley line that is over here which I wouldn’t have seen yet if Kerry didn’t get there first.

Then on Friday as work was making me get grumpier by the second I drove out to my work quilt shop for some therapy………….


Oops… but at least I was well behaved right? The foxes are going to make it into the EPP quilt that I’m currently working on which the deadline is fast creeping up..

I made up for it by being very naughty today on the Fabric Guild website… but I needed a treat after THREE hours of mind numbing data checking for work. Some of it though is to add to my Christmas Makes list.

Hope everyone is having a more relaxing weekend than me. Linking up with Molli Sparkles Sunday Stash.


Just a couple of new(ish) projects….

I know I know… there’s still a few quilts to finish off but I could not resist starting these….

A mini English Paper Pieced wallhanging.. slowly handquilting this one 🙂


A christmas project for me! A wallhanging eventually.. I’m embroidery the girl then hoping to team with hexagons and machine pieced patchwork. The pattern is by Lilipopo. Isn’t she adorable?

What is everyone else up to this week? Linking up with WIP Wednesday.



Sunday Stash…

Well it’s been payday around here so I couldn’t resist some small additions right?!…..


Some lovely vintage fqs from Mary Emmens, Liberty Charm Pack and F8s from Duckegg Threads, some FQs from an IG Destash and I reallllllllly needed that 60 degree triangle ruler and isometric pad!P1110101

All of these are from Sew and Quilt 🙂P1110102Then friday I went to my local quilt shop… big mistake look what I came away with!! The cats jumped in at the till… and I still need find time to read the new issue of Homespun.

I do have plans for all this really! And If you noticed on IG this morning the linen had been chopped and prepped for a spot of embroidery 🙂

Happy sunday all! Linking up with Sunday Stash over at Molli Sparkles.



Sunday Stash…

I have no idea what I have done with this week apart from work and sleep. It’s not been a great one for me sewing wise with being constantly wiped out!

But.. look what has arrived this week!!

P1110075Over the summer I pattern tested for Elizabeth from Oh Fransson those cute hedgies and this week the most amazing thank you gift arrived! Printed patterns and a Kona Charm Pack. My hedgies are almost quilted… I’m still at the stage of deciding to live with what I’ve done or rip it all out and start again (the quilting that is!)

P1110076I also couldn’t resist these two bundles of vintagey goodness from Mary. Don’t they play well together? Hopefully… some point soon this will actually be a quilt for moi.


Sneaky peek of what I am currently working on and hoping to link up with Le Challenge in time for this month…. Guess I better get back to it! And finally watching some more eps of the last season of Fringe whilst I’m at it.

How is everyone’s sunday stitching plans going? Linking up with Molli Sparkles…



Finish Along Quarter 3 – My Goals.

It’s that time again to look at sewing goals for the next quarter of the finish a long and boy do I have a big list this time! Let’s hope I do much better than my previous attempts eh 😉 Considering that I only maybe finish one thing from the list but start and finish more stuff.

Right first up my most immediate concern……


My “Illusions” Quilt. I was hoping to get it finished piecing today but those pesky y seams are being time consuming! Yup that is a penny there for size… One of my issues is that on the last bit of the seam it puckers slightly so I’m going to have to add an extra step in.

Hopefully by mid week it be ready to start quilting which ideally needs to be finished by the end of next sunday….


Hazel the Hedgehog quilt! I’m pattern testing for Oh Fransson and this little guy is addictive! Not doing too bad almost another five hedgies piececd which means 3 more, sashing and quilting. Ideally this week…


Adding the seal toy back on the list with the new addition of the cat! My nephew turns 3 in August and loves Jess from Postman Pat so thought do him a little Jess 🙂 As well as… a Postman Pat quilt or something made out of fabric. What does a 3 year old need really??!


Oh dear… the Irish Chain still. Not much more than last week I’m sorry little adventurer it is on it’s way just slightly delayed.


My vintage sheets and quilty barns needs rebasting and quilting…

P1100904 P1100903

Two Thimble Blossom Minis need finishing… the Rise and Shine (top one) I completely mucked up so it’s lounging in my desk drawer. I take it out maybe do one bit and back in it goes! It is very important to test one block first and not go through and do them all…

P1100905 P1100902 P1100892Fun bits! Want to do my Country Girls granny square quilt, some austen/sherlock minis, a Fox wallhanging, a sewing machine cover and… clothes!!

Plus this list wouldn’t be complete without some EPP… my nursery hexie quilt needs a border before quilting. Hexie tablecloth.. chrysanthemum tablecentre pieces plus want to start a 30s repro double wedding ring quilt.

Think I’m going to get bored? What’s the bet I’m going to do other stuff than what’s here!

Linking up with Katy over at the Littlest Thistle.
